Spring Updates
Docks: Docks will be going in the water on Saturday the 20th. If you can help, please be at the waterfront around 9:00 AM.
Water: Water is on to the showerhouse. Water will not be turned on to the sites until TImberlakes Septic can get into the campground and pump the tanks. A couple tanks are full and we may still be dealing with frozen lines.
Roads: WIth the recent snow and rain, things are very soft and muddy right now. Please stay on the roads and do not cut through other sites. Road restrictions will stay on for now.
Website: The last several weeks there have been spam attacks on the website. A spam blocker was enabled, unfortunately it took security too far in the opposite direction and blocked legitimate users of the site so it was disabled. Over the weekend the spam attacks started again so the security restriction will be reenabled. If you have issues getting logged into the members area of the site please let JIm Apple know.
Spring Clean Up: The Aitkin HIgh School sports teams will not be coming in this year to assist. We are checking with local church youth groups and looking for other organizations that need fundraising activities. If we get no takers, we will try to organize a volunteer day for spring clean up or look to hire a service to come in and do the project.
Slips: For those that have slips, please make sure your fee is paid and the written agreement is turned in by next Monday the 15th or you could lose your slip.
Overflow Electrical Charging: SIgn up will come out later this week.
Liability Waiver/Tool Check Out: If you need tools from the shop, please make sure you have a liability waiver turned into the association. When you do take tools, make sure you sign them out and back in, the check out sheet is on the door in the shop.