Here is a list of road work being performed in the area that may affect your travel time and route to the campground.
Construct new interchanges on Hwy 10 at Ramsey Blvd. and Sunfish Lake Blvd. including bridges over the BNSF Railroad tracks. Build a frontage road between Ramsey Blvd. and Sunfish Lake Blvd.
Replace Hwy 10 bridge over the Rum River, construct new interchange at Thurston Avenue, build underpass at Fairoak Avenue and extend West Main Street; Remove all Hwy 10 access in project area.
Resurface and improve 13 miles of Hwy 18 from Hwy 169, east of Garrison, to Hwy 47 in Malmo, Aitkin County.
Resurface 12 miles of Hwy 23 from Milaca to east of Ogilvie, includes shoulders and underground drainage structures and updates to access. Project requires detours.
Replace the Hwy 25 bridge over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway line in Brainerd, Crow Wing County, includes multi-use trail. Project requires detour.
Convert three miles of Hwy 169 to a new freeway system through Elk River from Hwy 101/Hwy 10 to 197th Ave, Sherburne County. Corridors of Commerce project. Expect delays, one lane traffic in each direction, 24/7, April to November.
Resurface both directions of Hwy 169, replace pipes and reconstruct the access at Hwy 169 and Mille Lacs Co. Rd. 8 in Pease (J-turn). Work will require detours.
Resurface and improve Hwy 169 from north of Ojibwe Dr. to just south of Crow Wing Co. Rd. 26; includes new culverts, guardrail upgrades and new left-turn lanes at Co. Rd. 26 Timber Trail and Swing-A-Way/S Port. Project requires a detour.
Reconstruct 11 miles of road surface, widen shoulders and upgrade drainage infrastructure. Project requires detours.