Hickory Lake Campground Cooperative Association

Annual Meeting

As I am pulling together an agenda for our annual meeting, if you have any special requests for discussion please let me know.

Reminder of the meeting
Date: Sept 21, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: HLC Gathering room

Thank you

Labor Day Weekend Schedule

Annual Meeting

Good evening everyone,

The board is currently working thru a lot of the season ending topics. I know many may have been expecting the annual meeting to be this weekend.  Sorry to disappoint. 
In delivering proper notice of the annual meeting , we are scheduling the the meeting for Saturday, September 21 at 10 AM in the HLC Gathering Room.
Have a great evening and enjoy your Labor Day Weekend

Board Meeting

HLC Owners,

Just to give notice, the board will be meeting Saturday, August 31 at 10 AM in the HLC Gathering Room
Our agenda is not quite complete, but some of the topics we are working thru include, 2019 budget review, 2020 proposed budget, Season shutdowns, employees, pool, boat launch, fiber/internet, house, docks, overflow,and rules and regs review.
See you at the Lake

Parking/Over flow

WOW! How exciting to see so many people able to enjoy the wonderful weather and our great campground this past weekend. The large numbers brought back the reminders of how our overflow area is somewhat inadequate and disorganized. To help with some of this we would like to see some of the following things happen:

  1. ALL trailers marked to identify what site they correspond with.
  2. ALL vehicles need to have a piece of paper in the window stating what site they are with, contact name and number.
  3. If you have multiple items parked in the over flow area, stack/double park them in the deeper area on the west side (HWY 169).
  4. The area to east, along the split rail fence, and going around to the north shall be an area for those that frequently put their boats in and out of the water.
  5. Those that have empty boat trailers they don’t use often or until your boat is taken out of the water for the season, lets us know so we can find an appropriate spot to store them for a longer period of time.

We appreciate your help in trying to implement these procedures. And we are working on getting some of our space back. The old floating docks are almost gone, and we will be seeing about getting the compost pile pushed back some time in the near future.

As a reminder no parking beyond the split rail fence. We noticed parts of the rope with the no parking sign are some what missing that closes that area off. We will be getting that back in place for clarification.

Owners that have seasonal renters, you need to inform your renters of the above requirements.

Thank you

Second Weed Treatment

Just passing on that I have been recently notified that PLM”s tentative treatment date for our second treatment for our lake weeds is currently set for Wednesday, July 17.

Have a great evening.


Pine-Hickory Lakes Roadside Parking Area

Construction Update: May 31, 2019 Work is planned to start at Pine Hickory around July 15, 2019 but work may begin in limited areas prior to that. The paved parking area on Little Pine Lake and trails will be closed during construction. The gravel boat access on the Hickory Lake will also be closed for contractor parking and staging. The trails on both sides will be closed. Construction is expected to last about two months and be completed in September 2019.




Safe and Fun Fourth

As we head into the busy 4th of July weekend I wanted to put a couple of reminders out there:

FIREWORKS – Remember fireworks are only allowed on the Fourth of July. Fireworks are only allowed at the beach area with the exception of sparklers. Those who participate in the use of fireworks are required to clean up debris by noon the following day.

PARKING/OVERFLOW – Every site should be able to accommodate one vehicle, and only one vehicle per site, no boats or trailers. Please park that one vehicle at your site to aid in making room in the overflow for the extra guest and trailer parking needed for the additional visitors we tend to have at this time. If you have an empty trailer and can get it back always into the wooded area please do so. If you are using your two spots per site please try to double park/stack your vehicle/trailer etc as to make room for others.

POOL – No glass containers or food in the pool area. Be respectful of other occupants of the pool area and no large flotation items in the pool area.

Quiet hours are 10 PM to 8 AM

The Fourth of July has some of the highest statistics for traffic accidents, boating accidents, head trauma, and fireworks incidents.  Be Safe and let’s have some FUN.

See you at the Lake,


Mid-Season Owners Gathering

Good Evening,

I know it is short notice, but we will be having a mid season owners gathering on Saturday, July 6 at 10 AM in the Gathering room. During that time, so far I know we will be discussing:

  1. Updates – committees, financials, and projects
  2. Nomination Committee
  3. Goals for the rest of the season

See you at the Lake,


4th of July

Happy 4th Of July!

Here is the schedule of fun events for all over the 4th!

We are looking for volunteers to set up and clean up each event. If you would like to donate any supplies (smores items or prizes for events) and sign up to help you can click on this link https://forms.gle/iqJp2SKZgRpU3Vuk6  email ajbarthel@live.com or connect with Tara Bubar (Site 18 ), Nova Steinke (Site 12) or Jackie Barthel (Site 11)

Looking forward to a fun 4th of July week!

The Social Committee